OK, so I admit it. I should have known better. There is no excuse. Every medical student knows that the smallest thing you should stick in your ear is your elbow. But I was proud. I thought I knew what I was doing. I had done it before and crazed with the flush of success I did it again. I syringed my own ear. Let me explain myself. It first happened back in December. Newly arrived in South Africa the heat dislodged some ear wax and I lost some hearing, common in new arrivals I was told. After several miserable dinners in which I was incapable of joining the conversation I took the bull by the horns, bought a syringe and spent 20 minutes flushing out the ear. Imagine the joy of seeing the numerous bits of waxy debris fill the basin and the relief as the last rubble of draining soapy water brings with it the crystal clear high fidelity hiss-free noises of the world around for the first time in days. So when last week I awoke unable to hear out of said ear unless, bizarrely, pu...