The relative solitude of the resuscitation bay is abruptly invaded as the doors from the waiting area slam open. A trolley bursts in, surrounded by people dressed in the white and red garb of the Emergency Medical Rescue Service, KwaZulu-Natals ambulance organization. They look a little bewildered. One of them is squeezing a breathing bag attached to the tube that issues from the mouth of the body that lies on the trolley. The door opens again and a big man in an orange jump suit strides in. His label identifies him as a member of AMS, the Air Mercy Service – the charity that runs the air ambulance and other high tech services. He catches my eye. “Hi doctor. So this lady came to clinic with 3 weeks of breathlessness and I happened to be visiting the clinic when the ambulance came for her. I thought she looked bad so I followed them.” He grins. “Just as well because she stopped breathing half way through the game park. I tubed her and gave her adrenaline.” He looks around. “Where ar...